Corporate Information

Banco Bradesco S.A.

G4-3 | G4-5 | G4-7

Cidade de Deus – Osasco (SP)
CEP: 06029-900

Contact for market analysts, institutional investors and other stakeholders:
Market Relations Department
Investor Relations area


Cidade de Deus – Osasco (SP)
CEP: 06029-900
Telephone: (55) (11) 2194-0922
Should you have any recommendations to make, please send an email

Communication area

Cidade de Deus – Osasco (SP)
CEP: 06029-900
Telephone: (55) (11) 2194-0928

Planning, Budget and Control Department

Corporate Sustainability Area

Cidade de Deus – Osasco (SP)
CEP: 06029-900
Telephone: (55) (11) 2194-2512 (only in Portuguese)

Shareholder Services

To exercise their entitlement or to obtain information about shares, dividends or other items, Bradesco Company shareholders may consult the Bradesco branches where they operate their accounts. For other information, please contact:

Share and Custody Department

Cidade de Deus – Osasco (SP)
CEP: 06029-900
Telephone: (55) 0800 701 1616