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Costumer’s experience is the new positioning

103-2 | 103-3: Customer health and safety | Labeling of products and services

In 2017, with 300,000 customers in its portfolio, MRV started a change in its positioning, from a company that has a relationship with customers to a company focused on customer experience. Internally, the new behavior was disseminated by means of engagement actions, such as the Executive Service Program, in which leaders visit customers to live part of their experience and identify gaps that may provide bases for improvements in processes. (Read more below, in Service Channels.)

Another movement in the same direction was the development of the My MRV (Meu MRV) application, which allowed customers to participate in the design since conception by means of one of the most current and innovative product and service methodologies, Design Thinking. Its content was developed based on field work in which a multidisciplinary team, supported by a consulting firm, approached customers and heard their needs, desires and perceptions. In a second stage, customers were brought together, and their accounts served as bases for the conception of the application, whose prototype was also tested with another group of customers and improved until launch. Through the application, My MRV, customers interact with Maria Rosa, a virtual assistant that uses artificial intelligence, and may clarify their doubts. From the end of April, when it was launched, to the end of December, there were more than 55,000 interactions with the robot, which led the company to plan the insertion of the same chat on Facebook in 2018. The channel strengthens the company’s service network and serves one of its purposes, of 24/7 availability, which eliminates waiting lines that exist in common chats. In the process of searching for an identity for Maria Rosa, the objective was to have a bot with a more human language, going beyond presentation of segmented options for service.

The preparation of the design for planning of the macro-projects planned for the coming years was also innovative. The work, also supported by a partner company, involved more than 30 employees – from officers to assistants – of different profiles, who interviewed the presidents of the company and executives of the Commercial, Production, Shared Services, Marketing and Legal areas to identify the group’s vision on MRV. Customers were involved for the company to once again hear about their experience from the time of purchase until after receipt of keys.

By means of the Viver MRV app, the technical assistance team is also closer to the building managers, who have several services to facilitate their management and will benefit from the inclusion of other features, such as scheduling of preventive maintenance for conservation of condominiums.

Service channels
Open collapse

In 2017, MRV conducted the third stage of the Executive Service Program, whose objective is to promote engagement of senior leadership in the search for continuous improvements of processes, in order to offer the best experience to customers. Started in 2015, the initiative had already involved more than 130 company leaders, and other 129 executives signed up to participate in the new phase in the year.

The program started with executives answering calls in the company’s call center. In 2016, they started to deliver keys to new residents and, in the third stage, officers and managers visited houses of customers who, for some reason, called for technical assistance in the last six months and had their demands resolved.

Another initiative for specific interaction is MRV Family Day, promoted in 2017 in three locations: Fortaleza (CE), Natal (NR) and Cuiabá (MT). This is a fraternization event in the leisure area of condominiums that includes both guidance on how to use spaces in an adequate manner and moments of fun and games with children.

The call center received 513,726 calls in the year, of which 96.57% were answered. Of the total, 83.17% corresponded to requests for information, and 77.8% of complaints received were addressed within five working days.

There is also MRV Answers (MRV Responde), available on the company’s Facebook page, by means of which the public can send messages requesting information on products and services and check out the actions promoted by the company.

Two applications also reinforce the company’s relationship: Viver MRV, with tips and guidance for building managers, and My MRV, which allows access to all progress of the works, payment slips, statements and other useful information.

Conveniences 417-1
Abrir collapse

Improving customer experience includes offering benefits that strengthen the assertiveness of their choice for an MRV enterprise. Accordingly, the company promotes the Delivery of Dreams, a fraternization event among residents, who receive the Basic Manual for Homeowners, get to know the On-Line Manual, available in the Relationship Portal, on the company’s website, and have access to the Sustainable Resident booklet, with information on recycling, water management, energy and sustainable actions. At the end of the event, they answer a satisfaction survey that serves as basis for improvement of processes, service and relationship actions.

Another solution is the My Decorated (Meu Decorado) project, available in the Relationship Portal, by means of which customers can rely on creative and sustainable decoration designs to inspire themselves, created by students and professionals from all over Brazil.

In 2017, the company launched MRV Plus [MRV Mais], which brings together, at the company’s Relationship Portal (http://relacionamento.mrv.com.br), services such as MRV Decora, with decoration tips; My Decorated, with designs that can be replicated; and Mão na Roda, a platform that allows residents to offer their products and services to neighbors, which facilitates life in shared spaces and helps in supplementation of income. One of the main attractions of the program, however, is the MRV Advantages Club (Clube de Vantagens MRV), an online shop that presents the best brands in the market, by means of which it is possible to acquire from appliances to furniture for apartments, with exclusive discounts.

Customer experience
Abrir collapse

There are several tools that allow MRV to verify the level of satisfaction of its customers. One of them is the survey conducted in the call center, which obtained 8.29 satisfaction score by people who were served and attributed a score at the end of the contact.

The surveys promoted with new residents at the time when they receive keys to the property, in turn, had an 89.91% index among those who, being satisfied, would recommend MRV to other people

To minimize any conflict that may compromise the company’s image and interfere with the satisfaction indices of its customers, the Legal area prioritizes conciliation in the scope of ongoing lawsuits. Accordingly, in 2017 it promoted 25 settlement campaigns with its customers in several states of the country, which resulted in satisfactory closure, for both parties, of 842 settlement. The initiative led the company to receive the Golden Seal of Company Friend of the Judiciary, from the Court of Justice (TJ) of the Federal District. For 2018, the great challenge is the achievement of the Pro-Ethics Seal, from the Ministry of Transparency and the Federal Comptroller General.