SERVICE QUALITY DMA Product and Service Labeling

It is a key Bradesco tenet to guarantee quality service and the satisfaction of clients and non clients. For this reason it created the Alô Bradesco contact service to listen to both clients and non clients in 1985, five years before the introduction of Brazil’s Consumer Defense Code. It also founded the Alô Bradesco management area with the mission of ensuring the effective handling of initial contacts by the Consumer Contact Service (SAC in the Portuguese acronym) based on the provision of clear information and efficient service.

Additionally, the Organization has two independent Ombudsman services that work in constant synergy. One is dedicated to contacts made with the Bradesco Organization, following the provisions established by regulatory bodies such as the Brazilian Central Bank and the CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários), the equivalent of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The other handles contacts for Bradesco Seguros, upholding the standards of the insurance industry regulatory agency Susep (Superintendência de Seguros Privados) and its equivalent in the health insurance area, the ANS (Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar).

Both channels are pioneers in the setting up, management and handling of consumer contact mechanisms. The Bradesco Seguros Ombudsman has been in activity for 12 years, while the Bradesco Ombudsman has existed for ten, that is, they preceded the resolutions by the regulatory authorities mandating the creation of these client relationship tools in the National Financial System.

The 1st Ombudsman Symposium was organized In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Bradesco Ombudsman, bringing together branches, companies and professionals with a view to enhancing existing and promoting new practices in the treatment of consumer contacts.

In 2015, the Bradesco Ombudsman exceeded its target of a 20% increase in the number of Ombudsman agents located in branches and consumer defense bodies. The channel maintains relations and monitors consumer contacts in 900 Procon consumer defense offices located nationwide, allocating agents whose sole responsibility is to handle contacts concerning Bradesco at a number of them.

Another action was the establishment of Procon Phone, a direct line of communication with Bradesco, which was expanded to 12 regions in the state of São Paulo in 2015. This work enables an immediate response to local demands, permitting Bradesco staff to settle issues more rapidly and efficiently.

The Bradesco Ombudsman also participates actively in the Organization’s Products and Services and Commercial Actions Commissions. In 2015, with support from Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the area implanted its Competitive Intelligence tool, which helps managers in the Retail, Prime and Credit Card segments to define products and services based on the profile of clients who make complaints via the Ombudsman relationship channel.

This means that any product or service that Bradesco intends to launch must necessarily be analyzed beforehand by the Ombudsman area, which verifies compliance with consumer standards.

  2012 2013 2014 2015
Ombudsman 19,085 20,457 17,396 20,479
Procons 58,208 75,697 84,074 67,045
Brazilian Central Bank 17,805 33,747 41,540 40,524
Letters/print 4,702 5,126 3,570 4,308
  2012 2013 2014 2015
Complaints 6,663 10,872 16,115 14,137
Suggestions 108 84 53 22
Praise 86 79 541 818
Total 6,857 11,035 16,709 14,977
Ombudsman: 0800 727 9933 Ombudsman: 0800 701 7000
Alô Bradesco Contact Center: 0800 704 8383 Bradesco Saúde and Auto/RE Contact Center: 0800 727 9966
Hearing or speech impaired: 0800 722 0099 SAC Bradesco Vida e Previdência: 0800 721 1144
By email: Fale Conosco available on SAC Bradesco Capitalização: 0800 721 1155
Twitter: @alobradesco By email: suggestions, complaints and praise on
  Twitter: @alobradescoseg
Facebook: Facebook:
Websites: Reclame Aqui and
*Available for clients and non clients.

The Ombudsman adopts mechanisms to drive service quality and forge closer relations with clients. One of the these is the Evolve Program, in which 250 partners in companies holding accounts are invited to participate in a 2-day event run by the Escola de Marketing Industrial in partnership with Bradesco, aimed at improving market share by raising the value perceived by clients. In 2015 encounters were held in two cities in Brazil (Ribeirão Preto – São Paulo and Recife – Pernambuco), with 600 attendees.

In 2015, Bradesco Saúde Concierge launched Health in Balance, an online platform designed to help policy holders to care for their health in an interactive environment, with suggestions for healthy meals, nutrition self-assessment, calorie counter, dietary tips and information about healthy eating habits and functional foods. Policy holders may also contact nutritionists to clarify doubts about nutrition and may receive reports offering more specific guidance. Corporate plan clients who benefit from the exclusive Bradesco Saúde Concierge services may use VIP rooms in the following hospitals Sírio-Libanês, Hospital do Coração (HCOR) and Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (all in São Paulo), as well as the Casa de Saúde São José (city of Rio de Janeiro).

With respect to its products and services, Bradesco has an Executive Committee and a Departmental Products and Services Commission which, together with management, assess the opportunity and the financial and operational feasibility of proposals to create new or alter existing products and services, as well as monitoring their performance. This process entails the analysis of characteristics, functionalities, risks, controls and sustainability-related questions, such as the effect of the product or service on stakeholders and its environmental and social impacts.

Furthermore, regarding product and service conformance, Bradesco pays close attention to best corporate governance practice, ensuring full compliance with the legislation in force when assessing opportunities, the financial and operational feasibility and the risks involved in the creation, alteration, discontinuation or repositioning of products and services. DMA Product labeling/Former FS15

There is also the company’s Marketing and Communication policy which complies with the rules determined by regulatory authorities concerning the offer of financial and insurance products and services. Screens/messages and functionalities demonstrating the proposal and its differentials are used to communicate these solutions to the public. All products are validated by the Legal Department, as are the functionalities and the responsibilities of both parties, in accordance with specific contracts and/or conditions. DMA Product compliance

In the event of any problem, measures are taken in accordance with the specific situation and the parties involved. Such situations are always communicated to the branch network, the commercial team, the contact center or, if necessary, via messages in the channels used by clients.

Another novelty during the year was the adoption of the concept of assessing and prioritizing projects called Optimize. This is aimed at ensuring a painstaking evaluation of demands, resulting in a project portfolio more aligned with Bradesco business strategies. This process considers the capacity and opportunity to create new products and services and to improve existing ones. Using a rating system, Optimize qualifies projects that ensure the best possible interactions with society, clients and employees.

The protection and privacy of client data are key principles for Bradesco, which is fully committed to ongoing improvement in the effectiveness of associated processes. As a financial institution, the Organization must preserve the confidentiality of such information, acting in accordance with relevant internal and external regulations. DMA Client privacy

The Organization’s Corporate Information Security Policy and Privacy Directives ensure compliance with legal and market standards, in addition to providing users accessing Bradesco sites with explanations of how their data are handled.

Complaints from product and service users are recorded in the Client Support System (SACL) which generates an exclusive record number (protocol), informed when the complaint is made, enabling the client to track the status of his/her complaint via the SAC – Alô Bradesco contact center. In the social networks, Bradesco interacts with clients and non clients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing responses in around 5 minutes through a dedicated team specialized in social media, but originating in the Bradesco contact centers. More than 21,000 interactions occur per month. Based on these interactions and surveys of network conversations, we develop the content that is aired in the official Bradesco pages and profiles on the social networks. The goal of this work is to protect Bradesco in the event of crises and to expand the communication of products, services, channels and the brand by fostering this universe of new publishers who establish true connections with the public.

In 2015, 107,269 complaints were received from external parties and confirmed by the Organization, involving a total amount of R$157,433.36. The Ombudsman received 132,356 complaints from clients of the National Financial System and none from regulatory branches. No leaks, theft or loss of client data were identified. In the insurance area, no complaints were recorded relative to the loss of client data or the breach of client privacy. G4-PR8

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The CRM area is associated with all organizational departments. This synergy enables the receipt of data and information which are then organized, measured and modeled. The process provides support for the development of commercial and client relationship measures that enhance new product launches and ensure a more focused commercial approach, driving an improved client experience in day to day relations with the bank.

In order to gain more wide-ranging knowledge of the Organization’s client base, CRM has developed the Single View project which, by building a framework for the analysis of a set of relevant data and information, reveals preferences, behaviors and trends that underpin the development of commercial and relationship strategies.

CRM manages this framework established to support the entire process of analyzing, selecting a target public and implementing these measures in all the Organization’s channels. The area has invested continually in innovation, striving to enhance statistical and predictive modeling tools and processes, incorporating techniques such as big data and behavioral analysis, among others.


With support from the Brazilian Federation of Banks (FEBRABAN) and municipal, state and federal security departments, Bradesco pursues measures that integrate banking and public security activities, proposing and adopting solutions related to the acquisition of equipment (cameras, revolving doors, hiring security personnel) and monitoring based on electronic locks, remote sensors and communication centers aimed at reducing and mitigating incidents.

In 2015, the Organization invested R$606,292 million in bank security. One measure was the unification of ATMs with the Banco24Horas. Bradesco ended the year with 18,900 terminals incorporated into the network, adopting the biometrics system based on identification of the palm of the hand. Bradesco clients alone may use this system without using a card.

The Bank is strictly compliant with law No. 7,102/83, which determines the installation of security doors with metal detectors, internal and external cameras, screens between the banks of terminals and lines and lockers, as well as armed guards with bullet-proof vests.

With respect to combating fraud – a question under permanent discussion in the financial sector –, the Organization has been making every effort to identify, implant and monitor solutions to mitigate this issue. The measures include more and more sophisticated technologies, programs and security systems, improved controls in combating fraud and the foment of an internal culture characterized by ethics and responsibility.