During 2013, QGEP built the basis for solid and sustainable growth in the coming years. The Company executed a new strategic planning cycle in 2013, considering the increase in production capacity over a ten year horizon and establishing clear objectives. This initiative became important when the portfolio grew, with the acquisition of new assets, and with QGEP’s ambition to become a reference as an offshore operator.

Among the strategic initiatives planned for 2014 are the acquisition and implementation of new software that will allow the flow of information to be enhanced and organized with the Company’s Integrated Management System (Sistema de Gestão Integrado – SGI). In the area of personnel management, the strategic planning have allowed the Company to identify the potential needs of specialized professionals, making it so that QGEP is already able to build a career and salary plan in line with the market, while at the same time beginning the process of identifying talent on its own staff.

In addition, QGEP has implemented a Project Management Office (PMO) process that allows upper management to oversee the monthly progress of all strategic projects in order to guarantee that the Company reaches its goals and has healthy long term growth. For this reason, the Company will continue to look for new opportunities, focusing on Brazil and especially on production and emerging basins. GRI G4-42