GRI G4-EN15G4-EN16G4-EN17G4-EN30Global Compact 7Global Compact 8

QGEP strives to utilize natural resources in a sustainable manner In all of its activities. The Company joined the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2012 and monitors its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an integrated manner.

GRI G4-15

20131 20122 2012 2013 2012 2011 20131 20123 2011
CO2 24,438.08 7.65 0 24.97 7.37 6.38 986.91 296.99 10,857.07
CH4 49.42 0 0 0 0 0 9.79 1.75 0.94
N20 162.16 0 0 0 0 0 10.37 0.87 0.47
Total 24,649.66 7.65 0 24.97 7.37 6.38 1,007.07 299.61 10,858.48
1. The profile for 2013 emissions was revised, incorporating emissions into scope 1 that were previously considered scope 3, according to the operational control approach.
2. Measurement of scope 1 began in 2012.
3. Reduction In scope 3 is due to the fact that there was no operation in 2012.

Based on 2013 emissions in the three scopes, the Company calculated its energy intensity, an indicator suggested by the new G4 version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. Therefore, total emissions of 25,681.71 tCO2e were divided by the corporate Capex investment and investment in the Blocks that QGEP operated in 2013 (US$116 million). With this, the Company’s energy intensity in the year was 221.39 tCO2e/US$ million invested.

GRI G4-EN18 Global Compact 8

Water consumption is also monitored in activities operated by the company and at administrative headquarters. All industrial water used in support vessels, dedicated vessels and at P-VI drilling platforms (used for the campaign at Block BM-J-2) and Ocean Star (Block BS-4) was acquired from qualified suppliers and had a total volume of 9,601,996.73 m3. The vessels fill their drinking water tanks and transport it to the location, where a partial transfer is made to the platform. QGEP does not promote the direct withdrawal of water from rivers, lakes, wells and other bodies of water.

After use, industrial water used goes to effluent treatment stations or storage tanks. After appropriate treatment or storage, these effluents are released into the sea, according to legal requirements, provided the effluent meets minimal quality parameters. If there is a need to send effluents for onshore treatment, they are sent to licensed companies for treatment. If at the end of the process they are within legally acceptable limits, these effluents are discharged.

GRI G4-EN8G4-EN9G4-EN10Global Compact 7Global Compact 8

QGEP offices in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador are located in commercial condos that are provided by the water supply concessionaire; the offices are not equipped with independent meters. Wastewater generated is discarded into the public collection system.

GRI G4-EN22G4-EN24Global Compact 8

Oily water sent for onshore treatment (kg) 17.1
Oily water discarded at sea (m3) 93.9
Oily water discarded at sea (m3) 3,234.0
Oily water sent for onshore treatment (kg) 121.604,0
Oily water discarded at sea (m3) 49,6
Wastewater released into a body of water after treatment (m3) 2.546,3