With a Human Resources Management Policy that values personal and professional training and development for the entire work force, we invest in programs concentrated in the Bradesco Corporate University (UniBrad) and the University of Insurance (UniverSeg). This is proof of our career orientation, which recognizes employees as a key driver of our success, favoring the promotion of professionals at initial levels capable of developing and assuming higher positions over time. The model provides everyone with the opportunity to take charge of their professional development, either through promotion or internal movements. This internal career development is a differential. The majority of our executive positions and intermediate functions are occupied by employees who developed internally, reflecting our confidence in our human capital. G4-LA10 | G4-DMA Employment

Further information in the GRI Attachment


By means of competencies mapping, which encompasses all employees, the Human Resources Department identifies the employee’s individual strengths and development needs, providing training and preparing them to assume new challenges. The Assessment of Potential based on Competencies Mapping is predefined and standardized. In 2016, it involved 80,627 employees (72.8% of the active work force).

The performance appraisal process spans two dimensions: quantitative, based on the definition of targets, using indicators related to sustainable financial results and the operations; and qualitative, which encompasses efficiency, commitment, engagement and people management – for employees in leadership roles. During the year 75,310 (66% of the work force) were submitted to performance appraisals. G4-LA11

For senior management and first line managers in the business areas, the performance appraisal model is based on management by objectives and targets. The expected financial, overall and business area results are established annually by area and approved by the Board of Directors. These results are tracked on a monthly basis by means of indicators and are presented to the Board of Directors, the aim being to ensure business sustainability.

This process is transmitted to the other hierarchical levels, with an emphasis on dialogue between managers and teams in order to align targets. In the internal climate survey held in 2016, 82% of the employees declared that they were satisfied with the clarity with which leaders convey their expectations. Over recent years, recognition in diverse rankings, recognition processes, surveys and studies demonstrate that we are on the right path.

Our target for 2017 is to maintain and enhance policies for the work force, focused on our strategic objectives and sharing our satisfaction and belief in the importance of being included in indices based on relationship quality and working environment with the entire work force.


One of the pillars of our personnel management strategy is the Care dimension, with involves our attention to the health, safety and well-being of each employee. In this way, we underscore the principles of encouraging good relations among all, maintaining a healthy and safe work place and ensuring conditions that enable excellent levels of performance and productivity, as well as driving improved quality of life for professionals and enabling balance between work, health and family.

The basis for caring for people is the concept of Integral Health, which in addition to the occupational perspective, encompasses all factors capable of impacting physical, mental and emotional well-being. This ensures ongoing improvement in safety and health promotion for the entire work force.


From the time they enter the company, employees receive orientation on health promotion and improved quality of life. Upon admission, all new employees receive a welcome kit containing our Internal Procedures manuals, Internal Regulations, Code of Ethical Conduct, Booklets on Social Inclusion, Manual of Physical Exercises for Relaxation and Personal Safety Tips, information that reinforces the care we take with our work force.

Employees undergo occupational medical examinations every 120 days and additional examinations, when necessary, to avoid and/or identify any problems and take the necessary preventive measures. We also promote special vaccination campaigns.

The following data and related health goal, occupational safety and well-being:

Percentage of employees vaccinated against influenza
2014 2015 2016 Target for 2017
62.2% 62.5% 63.3% 65.0%
Percentage of employees with health care
2014 2015 2016 Target for 2017
100% 100% 100% 100%

We are an active member of the AIDS prevention council CEN (Conselho Empresarial Nacional de Prevenção ao HIV/AIDS), whose focus is combating the epidemic in the work place, providing information on how to avoid infection by the HIV virus to a significant proportion of workers, their families and the community in general.

For us, it is fundamental that employees achieve a balance between their professional and personal lives. To reinforce this goal, we maintain the Viva Bem (Live Well) program, with diverse measures aimed at promoting the well being of our team. Initiated in 2012, the program promotes initiatives such as Healthy Pregnancy, Nutritional Guidance, as well as encouraging physical activities by means of partnerships with gyms, stimulating employees to manage their own health by boosting their knowledge in this area and helping them to make positive life style choices.

Unibrad offers a series of courses to raise consciousness about the importance of health care and well being. The channel Lig Viva Bem offers the Employee Support Program for our employees and their dependents. This free service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is fully confidential. The service is provided by specialized professionals who offer psychological, social, legal, financial and nutritional advice, among others.

Since 2013, we have also run Sipat Digital. This is a pioneering project that is updated every year. It promotes balance between employees’ private and professional lives and productivity, as well as emphasizing questions such as occupational safety. It also encourages quality of life and the maintenance of a healthier, more productive and happier work environment.

From 2014, we revised our occupational health and safety policy, adopting directives based on the International Labor Organization (ILO) in reaffirmation of our commitment to the continuous improvement of the employees’ working environment, conditions and relations. Since then, a number of processes have been reviewed and new solutions implemented. The new Occupational Health and Safety Management System, for example, is a clear advance in reinforcing this objective and has been enabling more effective monitoring of indicators and the development of improvement measures.

Aware of the importance of leaders in promoting employee health and well-being, in 2016 we launched a specific program to reinforce the role of managers in creating a healthy, safe and cooperative environment. The 28-session program involved more than 600 managers.


G4-DMA Employment | G4-DMA Training and Education

Bradesco Corporate University (UniBrad), launched in 2013, aims to promote education for professional excellence and social mobility, become a reference in talent and leadership education, strengthening the brand’s value and the social commitment to perpetuate our business.

UniBrad, in essence, ensures that the system of Corporate Education dedicates efforts to meet organizational strategies, so that the employees’ participation becomes decisive for their career and for the Organization’s results, creating conditions for their individual and collective goals to be achieved.

In 2016, the Digital School was consolidated. It is a project to expand disseminate concepts and skills needed to boost the banking service digitization trend in all its aspects. Today, we have ten units that plan educational actions based on corporate strategies linked to the development of competencies, with an integrated approach.

Other noteworthy measures in 2016 were the launch of the Civic Awareness and Sustainability Path and the Leadership Path to drive the development of all internal leadership levels. The latter was supported by the Lidera Platform (portal and application), an online community for organizational leaders that provides diverse learning solutions for these professionals in the form of courses.

UniBrad was also essential in driving the integration of employees joining us from HSBC Brasil, with more than 12,000 participations in the modules dedicated to this purpose.

UniBrad also provides training courses aimed at the general public, such as Internal Training in Financial Education, Financial Education for Retirees, Financial Education for Young People up to 17 years, Financial Education for Entrepreneurs, Training for Multipliers in Financial Education and Financial Education at Scale. All the courses are available on our website.

In the Civic Education and Sustainability School, in 2016 UniBrad consolidated seven new learning paths: Financial Education for Leaders; Financial Education in Your Hands; Mottainai and Financial Planning; Mottainai: Eliminating Wastage of Money; Your Choices, Your Future; Financial Planning and Financial Education and Personal Finance – the last two open to the general public.

UniBrad Schools
  • Business
  • Organizational identity
  • Operational excellence
  • Civic awareness and sustainability
  • Business intelligence
  • Client relations
  • Operational security and solutions
  • People
  • Leaders
  • Digital

Data related to training attendance is as follows:

Number of Courses per Employee/Year Period
2014 (%) 2015 (%) 2016 (%)
1 9.7 12.7 10.3
2 9.3 10.8 8.4
3 9.1 9.9 7.7
4 9.0 9.1 8.1
5 8.4 8.1 8.4
6 7.0 6.9 7.7
7 6.3 6.0 6.9
8 5.4 5.3 6.1
9 4.6 4.4 5.2
10 3.9 3.8 4.4
11 3.2 3.2 3.6
12 2.7 2.7 3.5
13 2.4 2.1 2.7
14 2.0 1.8 2.4
15 1.6 1.4 2.0
16 1.4 1.2 1.5
17 1.1 1.0 1.3
18 1.0 0.8 1.0
19 0.8 0.7 0.9
20 0.8 0.6 0.8
> 20 10.1 7.5 7.0

For 2020, the target is that 80% of staff attend at least 4 courses per year.


Average number of hours training.


73 Directors
25 Supervisors/Administrative staff
83 Superintendents
11 Operational
27 Managers
21 Total


42 Directors
26Supervisors/Administrative staff
201 Superintendents
8 Operational
23 Managers
19 Total
Investments in Training (millions of R$)
2016 175.6
2015 145.1
2014 144.7
2013 126.8
2012 132.6
2011 161.4


G4-DMA Employment | G4-DMA Training and Education

Created in 2014, the Insurance University (UniverSeg) is aligned with our corporate directives and is dedicated to managing knowledge with the key objective of preparing employees and brokers for an increasingly competitive market that requires constant renewal and the agility to drive improved results. It encompasses diverse measures and initiatives aimed at enhancing technical and personal knowledge, as well as promoting an environment that disseminates an insurance culture.

The different learning paths applied in the training courses are aimed at enhancing the competencies essential for the function and are based on Competencies Mapping and the technical knowledge necessary to perform the work activities. Aligned with the strategic objective of the Learning and Growth perspective in the area’s strategic map, in 2016 UniverSeg created learning paths that encompass technical, operational, strategic and business management areas, as well as people and results. These are available for the commercial area and for all the other Insurance Group areas.

In partnership with the Bradesco Corporate University (UniBrad), there are programs aimed at developing and/or enhancing the essential leadership competencies, focused succession, business sustainability and results, including Elos, Coaching and Mentoring, in addition to programs run in partnership with renowned teaching institutions such as the University of São Paulo business school FIA, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) and IESE/ISE, among others.

Worthy of note among the actions undertaken are the 7th edition of the Knowledge Marathon, a program that stimulates personal and professional development; the in-company classroom and online MBA focused on business management, with an emphasis on insurance; and the Leadership Development Program.

In 2016, the classroom and online training programs totaled 136,625 participations, of which 68,835 in the classroom and 67,790 remote, involving a total investment of R$15.123 million.

Participation in online courses increased 29% compared with the previous year, confirming the fact that distance education is gaining importance due to the fact that employees need to remain updated.

In 2017, the target is to review the Network Formation Programs to boost adherence to company strategy, consolidate the leadership path and leverage an innovation mindset to drive digital transformation, working on leveraging client facing experiences and relations and promoting awareness of the importance of human relations and quality of life.


The Volunteer Work program encourages and provides support for employees in undertaking transformational civic engagement activities in communities nationwide, providing them with opportunities to make a positive contribution to improving the environment and quality of life in the communities in which they live and work, prioritizing those which are socially and economically disadvantaged.

The program directives include the promotion of volunteer activities aimed at developing skills and competencies and driving benefits for all those involved, and encouraging and supporting employees in the exercise of citizenship, taking into account the skills and wishes in actions that help reduce social inequalities.

Developed in collaboration with representatives from diverse internal areas, the initiative is overseen by the Human Resources Department and is designed to connect the employee volunteers with society. These activities help develop an awareness of the community and social responsibility, in addition to contributing to the personal and professional growth of the employee and driving business sustainability. At the end of the year, 16,168 people were registered in the Volunteer Portal.

On National Volunteer Day, we mobilized 17,347 volunteers, with employees from diverse areas, as well as Fundação Bradesco students, teachers and collaborators. There were more than 255,000 beneficiaries and a total of 124,662 products were collected and donated to 150 social institutions.

Foto Voluntariado
More than 17,000 people engaged in the National Volunteer Day initiatives

In the fourth edition of Voluntários MAIS, participants engaged in activities centered on Sustainability, Quality of Life and Financial Education. 1,081 volunteers from 14 cities in four states and three regions of the country took part in this initiative, working in one of 29 teams or individually, benefiting 19 institutions and more than 4,900 people.

Other initiatives included a new edition of the Aprender para o Bem program, with workshops on subjects suggested by the volunteers; the 3rd National Blood Donation campaign, involving employees, family members and friends; and the Winter Clothing campaign, which collected 7,492 garments.


One of the key reasons we were interested in acquiring HSBC Brasil was the institution’s qualified human capital, given that we place enormous value on people and recognize that they are one of the main drivers of our success. We incorporated all HSBC employees who were interested in joining our team, which represented 99.6% of the HSBC Brasil headcount.

During the integration process, our Human Resources team made a point of ensuring that the culture and policies of the bank acquired were understood and respected. A temporary team was established to oversee the operational management of the transition. The new employees were subject to functional adaptation studies, which meant initiating their career planning in accordance with our structure, integrating them into our unique internal career development model.

The experience acquired in the more than 40 previous acquisitions we have made demonstrates that the integration of people and cultures is highly positive and helps drive our ongoing success.


The banking automation process in Brazil is recognized as one the most successful worldwide, whose progress over the years has also had a positive influence on labor relations.

The changes have been accompanied by the natural adaptation of bank workers to the new means of production and services, resulting in an innovative perception of the importance of competencies development and ongoing education – aspects that characterize the qualification of those working in the sector. Additionally, there are the facilities afforded by digital solutions, which drive and intensify the efficiency of processes for employees and clients.

Our vision of this question, formalized in our Strategic Declarations for Managing Human Resources, is committed to promoting the constant development and improvement of our employees’ technical and behavioral skills and potential, and providing mechanisms that enable them to manage their personal and professional growth in order to ensure the ongoing enhancement of management processes.


We provide our employees with a healthy, safe and ethical environment that facilitates personal and professional growth. Our aim is to promote and value transparency, respect and trust with a view to ensuring a motivating and challenging organizational climate. So much so, that we are always open and attentive to opportunities to improve our practices. Over recent years, recognition of the bank in diverse rankings, surveys and studies proves that we are on the right path.

In 2016, for the 18th year we were featured in the Guia Você S/A – As Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar for ranking. The publication highlighted factors such as our massive investment in corporate education and the broad range of benefits offered to employees.

Yet again in 2016, we were elected one of the Best Companies to Work for in Brazil in a survey conducted by the Great Place To Work Institute (GPTW), published in a special edition of Época magazine. We were placed among the 30 Best in Brazil, with an honorable mention for being featured in the ranking for 17 years. Also in the GPTW ranking, we were placed third among the Best Places to Work in Barueri and the surrounding region.

Furthermore, for the 11th year running, we received a distinction in the Best in Personnel Management survey in Valor Carreira magazine, published by the newspaper Valor Econômico.

For the ninth year running, we were featured among the Best Companies in Organizational Human Development Index, with a distinction in the category Governance. For the seventh year in a row we were recognized as one of the 10 Best Companies in People Management Practices in a survey by the Gestão RH magazine.

We were elected one of the Best Companies in Corporate Citizenship with honorable mentions in the dimension of Diversity and Social Inclusion, as well as being chosen as the Most Admired Company by HR Professionals in 2016, in a survey conducted by the magazine Gestão RH.

Foto apoio ao esporte
Our traditional support for sport is the reason for our sponsorship of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games

In the III Award for the Best Companies for Disabled Workers granted by the São Paulo State Department for the Disabled, our inclusive organizational culture was recognized with distinction.

In the 2016 HR Top of Mind award we were one of five companies with the highest recall in a vote among HR professionals in the category Corporate Education/E-Learning, receiving a tribute from the HR association ABRHBrasil. UniBrad won the Learning & Performance Brazil Award, for its high performance e-learning practices.

We also received a distinction as one of the three best companies in the National Quality of Life Award granted by the Associação Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida, which recognizes corporate health promotion and quality of life programs characterized by best practices and effective results.

Providing an appropriate work environment, developing talent through education and the provision of a fair and dynamic organizational structure, we seek to enable each employee to grow and develop a robust career based on a relationship policy marked by respecting and valuing the individual.